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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code-ASME BPVC-2023
Moss-Pressure Vessel Design Manual-Edition 3
Moss-Pressure Vessel Design Manual-Edition 4
Megyesy-Pressure Vessel Handbook-2014
Design Specification Format
CASTI Guide Book to ASME Section VIII
ASME PTB-3: Sec.VIII Div. 2- Ex. Problem Manual-2022
ASME PTB-4: Sec.VIII Div. 1- Ex. Problem Manual-2021
Bolted Joints in Nuclear Power Plants
Bednar-Pressure Vessel Design Handbook
Ellenberger Pressure Vessels – The ASME Code Simplified (2004)
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code-ASME BPVC-2021
Introduction to Nuclear Codes and Standards
Jawad and Farr-Guidebook for Design of Pressure Vessels
WRC-107-Local Stresses In Spherical And Cylindrical Shells Due To External Loadings
WRC-297-Local Stresses In Cylindrical Shells Due To External Loadings On Nozzles-Supplement to WRC Bulletin No. 107
WRC-537-Precision Equations and Enhanced Diagrams for Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings for Implementation of WRC Bulletin 107
WRC-537 – errata
ASME PCC-1- Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly-2022
ASME PCC-2- Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping-2022
Nuclear Piping & Support Design
Piping Handbook
Piping Guide
TEMA-Standards of The Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association-Tenth Edition
EJMA-Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, inc. Tenth Edition
ASME B31.1 Power Piping-2020
ASME B31.3 Process Piping-2020
F Code Software: Fatigue Curve Module (Ver. 2023)
ASCE 7-2016: Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
ASCE 7-2022: Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
Software: Intergraph-PV Elite-2019
Software: Intergraph-Caesar II-2019
Software- Top Davit Calculation- Ver. 2014
TC Piping
ASME Course- Overview of Pressure Vessel Design
API- 650: Welded Tanks for Oil Storage-2020
API- 620: Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-pressure Storage Tanks– 2013 Add 2018
Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe
Check List for Vessel and Pipig Vibration Analysis
TOTAL Requirements for Equipment in Severe Wet H2S Service
Heat Exchangers Handbook- Selection, Rating, and Thermal Design
Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design
Piping Stress Analysis Presentation- By R. Sadeghian
Gaskets and Gasketed Joints- Bickford, John H.
Above Ground Storage Tanks- Meyers
Fracture Analysis Presentation- By R. Sadeghian