Engineering & Consulting Services: Transient Loads Analyses
ACE provides hydraulic consultancy services for variants related hydraulic works. Complete design recommendations and solutions for water hammer problems due to valve closing, check valve operation, pump startup and shutdown, etc. will be provided to make the piping system reliable. We will try to fill water hammer knowledge gap for you. The scope of services is as follows:
Provides complete solutions to water hammer problems for various pipeline systems
Calculates transient unbalanced forces including water hammer loads on piping and piping support systems
- Conducts surge and transient analyses
Performs pump startup and shutdown transient analyses and pump curve evaluation
Performs moment changes due to valve operation (valve closing and opening) and valve curve evaluation
Performs heat exchanger tube rapture transient load analysis and cavitation analysis
Provides corrective actions to mitigate water hammer effects
New Designs (Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, and Thermal Power Plants)
- Design Stage
- Commissioning and Operation Stage
- Reassessing Existing Plant due to
- Changes Made in Plant
- Poor Design
- Poor Construction
- Poor Operation, Monitoring, and Inspection
- Rerating Piping System